This award, authorized by Executive Order 12754, March 12, 1991, is awarded to members of the U.S. armed forces who served in support of Operations Desert Shield or Desert Storm between Aug. 2, 1990 and Nov. 30, 1995 in one or more of the following areas: Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Aden, that portion of the Arabian Sea that lies north of 10 degrees north latitude and west of 68 degrees east longitude, and the land areas of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates; or individuals serving in Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Syria and Jordan (including territorial airspace and waters) directly supporting combat operations between Jan. 17, 1991 and Nov. 30, 1995.
This award came with three distinct campaign periods:
-Defense of Saudi Arabia, Aug. 2, 1990 – Jan. 16, 1991
-Liberation and Defense of Kuwait, Jan. 17, 1991 - April 11, 1991, and
-Southwest Asia Cease Fire Campaign, April 12, 1991 to Nov. 30, 1995.
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