Third Reich Uniform Accessories - Army Enlisted
Army (Heer) EM Shoulder Boards - Our World War 2 style Enlisted Men's Shoulder Boards are high quality, being made with good wool in the correct field grey color, wool piping and genuine diamond pattern aluminum silver Tresse, with proper "keyhole" stitching around the buttonholes.
For Afrikakorps and Tropical Army uniforms, our boards feature the correct color olive tan cotton twill cloth, copper brown diamond pattern Tresse and white piping. Other ranks can be made by adding one or two rank pips as required.
Product ID : 0106-011-615
Sale Price: $21.00
Sale Price: $21.00
Product ID : 0106-102-207
Price: $21.00
Product ID : 0106-106-201
Price: $15.00
Product ID : SBD-003
Sale Price: $15.00
Sale Price: $15.00