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Third Reich Visor Caps - Kriegsmarine Visor Caps

This classic, service visor cap in dark blue wool features gold wire embroidered eagle, wreath and cockade insignia, with the double row of gold bullion oak leaves for Admiral’s rank hand-embroidered on the visor. The patent leather chinstrap is secured with gold Kriegsmarine buttons embossed with the rope and anchor symbols and the cap band is original quality ribbed mohair. White satin linings are correctly marked with the double “Erel” and “O.K.K. Berlin” emblems of the Kriegsmarine, making these the finest reproductions available!

Product ID : 0102-016-4
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Product ID : 0102-017-4
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Product ID : 0102-017-5
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Product ID : 0102-999-001
Product ID : 0102-999-020