Sale Price: $79.00
Compared at: $105.00
You Save: $26.00
Product ID : 0107-999-114
Reddick Militaria is offering a premium quality set of the German World War 2 Close Combat Clasps as a group of the 3 levels of this award: Bronze, Silver & Gold. These medals feature slim, double tapered pins and the typical square inserts behind the cut-out areas. They are maker marked, simply, F&BL for the Funcke & Bruninghaus firm of Ludenscheid. These are old stock from our supplier of high quality medals in the U.K. and are no longer being produced. WE are offering them at 25% below their original prices. The other commonly encountered maker mark on these badges is in raised letters: "FEC. W.E. PEEKHAUS BERLIN" and "AUSF. AG.M.u.K. GABLONZ".
Only 2 sets available!!
Only 2 sets available!!
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